Your Body, Your Path
Creating Space
Guilt Free Summer

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Guilt Free Summer

Is it possible to find balance amidst the excitement of summer?!

With summer in full swing, I can’t help but acknowledge the “summer elephant in the room”. All too often, summer swings the pendulum of health all the way to the other side, where it often sticks and lands until summer is over, rather than swinging back to the other side—or somewhere in between.

Nobody is to blame, summer has long been the build up to t…

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Your Body, Your Path
Creating Space
Interviews with everyday people and experts hosted by Vas Priebe, alongside discussion on the body and movement. How to move beyond getting "more flexible" and how to move towards create space and awareness in your body, what that means, why it’s so important, and all that can come from it.
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Vas Priebe