Exploring the Mutual Inclusivity of Community and Self
The presence or existence of one does not preclude or exclude the possibility of the other. In other words, they are not mutually exclusive but can overlap or occur simultaneously. They coexist.
During the past week, this particular topic has been on my mind. Just recently, I came across an interview that resonated deeply with me, sparking countless thoughts on the subject — I felt compelled to share my reflections.
We Need Self Study and Reflection
The trend of "self care" and getting in touch with our inner selves has really taken off in recent years. It's become super popular, and rightfully so. Personally, I'm a big fan of self care and self study. I've gained so many incredible benefits from exploring and understanding myself better. It has had a profound impact on how I relate to the people around me and even how I navigate my own thoughts, emotions, and life circumstances.
By taking the time to reflect on my own thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, I've been able to develop a deeper understanding of who I am and how I relate to others. I've embarked on a spiritual journey of self-discovery that has taken me to places within myself that I never knew existed. It’s taken me to my edges time and time again, testing my ability to surrender and just jump! To trust that there is something greater, that my path doesn’t always need to be seen. Along the way, I've constantly pushed my limits, facing challenges and uncertainties, and learning to surrender and trust in something greater than myself.
It requires courage and strength to really delve into the depths of our being, to question our beliefs, challenge ingrained ideas, and confront discomfort. However, emerging from those experiences with our own personal insights empowers us to incorporate those valuable nuggets of awareness into our everyday lives, making each day more fulfilling and meaningful, not only for us, but for those around us.
We Can’t Forget Community
Likewise, I have always had a very strong sense of community. It’s something that I’ve been raised with and that I am so beyond grateful for. My community is everything to me. It’s my well of strength and love as well as my biggest teacher. In community, I am able to see myself in those that surround me and in doing so I can show up with more compassion, empathy, and kindness for not only others, but myself as well. I don’t feel so alone. So isolated. Rather I see that we are all more similar than we think. That we all struggle. That we all have both joy and sorrow. That we are all simply trying to just live our lives to the best of our abilities. That our pain can sometimes be afflicted onto others, consciously or subconsciously. That our daily actions and interactions have impacts. Ripple effects. And those ripple effects carry energy, energy that transcends our immediate self.
It’s Not About You
All too often, as a society, we swing from one extreme to another, forgetting our duality, our complexity, and our ability to come to the middle. To simultaneously see more than one side of the story. While it is super important to work on Self, I have dedicated the last two decades of my life doing just that, I also respect and understand that it is crucial to also be part of a whole — a community.
Humans are meant to coexist, and not only with each other, but also with the environment and world that surrounds us. To do so, all parties/parts need to be acknowledged, considered, respected, and included. It can’t just be about you. To truly know yourself is to also know that life isn’t only about you and your needs. Yes, this is a part of self study and self care, to understand your needs, to know your boundaries, to heal past relationships that may have cause harmed, knowingly or unknowingly… but this does not mean that that life is only about you. To truly know yourself is to also know your neighbor. True self awareness actually steers you away from Self and towards the Whole instead — this is actual irony of Self Study. It brings you closer to not only yourself, but to those around you. If self study or self care has made you selfish, your journey has not ended. Keep going!
It’s a yes, and.
It is crucial to recognize the significance of balancing personal growth and community involvement. Engaging in both aspects is essential. You don't necessarily have to make grand gestures or possess crazy amounts of money to contribute to your community; you simply need to be a part of it. Similarly, enhancing self-awareness doesn't demand total isolation and solitary introspection. Even monks and nuns live together in community. It is possible to foster self-awareness while being part of a larger social fabric.
How you choose to navigate the idea of mutual inclusivity between your Self and Community is entirely within your discretion, just as it is with all aspects of health and wellness. Just know this, they are both SO important. They are the greatest compliments, Self and Community. Remember that as you journey on.
One final thought for you…
There is no universal formula or singular correct approach; instead, there exists a multitude of unique options to achieve a shared objective: to become an enlightened individual who resides in harmonious coexistence with the surrounding community and the world at large.
I hope you have fun exploring this idea between Self and Community! I’d love yo hear your thoughts! Thanks for reading!